The Hello Bar is a simple web toolbar that engages users and communicates a call to action. TiggerTours: A Special Christmas Message

Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Special Christmas Message

We would just like to take this opportunity to wish all the friends of Tigger a very very Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.

Love from
Tigger, Rich, Neen and M. Lapin.

PS We have many new friends of Team Tiger, so keep your eyes peeled for photos of the newbies...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Rich, Neen and Tigger!


Jax said...

A Merry Christmas to you both on the other side of the world and to the rest of the crew on the other side of the border in the Lakes. Hope you are all having a relaxing festive time... we are catching up on some much needed rest, chillage and dvd watching ... oh and eating and drinking too! Looking forward to seeing craig, jen and lucy for New year and the rest of the Lee family some time in 2007 no doubt... lots of love to you all

Jax and Dale xx

Jax said...

Did i say both..? Of course I meant all three of you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tigger
Had a very nice xmas day with you, Richard and Neen, we have a video with your and Aunty Sue !!! where can we send it. Missed seeing your photo on the yacht going to Double Cove.
Katy, Trevor, Scott, Ashleigh, Morgan and Kelly

Anonymous said...

You guys are going to need a tent now if Tigger s got more company. Hope you had a lovely christmas and a great New Year.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rich, Neen and Tigger!

Cat and Richard here from nottingham - fellow 'chillers' from a couple of years back...

leeroy has shown us your blog and we feel like were are getting to know tigger pretty well!

we are heading to new zealand on feb 24th for 4 weeks to catch up with my bro John who lives in wellington and to show off our new baby daughter.. reckon she'd really like the tiggster!

we'll be dipping our toe into the south island for 10 days as well - all good fun!

just to say that if you fancy catching up should our paths cross drop us an email. anytime you need a place to crash near wellington my bro has a bach that you are more than welcome at as long as stuffed animails are house trained.

spanna and leeroy say howdy too

have fun and keep chilling,

cat and rich and baby beth