Dear all,
Our time in New Zealand has come to an end, and we bid farewell to our feathered friends down under.
We finally managed to get a snap of the endangered hihi (only 1000 left), a nectar-eating bird which Janine has been mostly taking care of for the last three months...

...and a dinosaur-like weka stalking our shoelaces.

So with one giant leap (and about 32 hours of travelling), we land in the hot and humid Malaysian Borneo.

Stilt-villages on the banks of rivers and colourful streets aplenty in Kuching...

...and a beautiful painted wooden naga (dragon) in the impressive Sarawak Museum.

We thought we should also share with you the view from our dinner table last Sunday.

We took an exhausting day-trip to the Bako National Park, where mangroves fringe the peninsula.

A steep climb through the rainforest brought back distant memories for one team member.

And at the highest point in the park we dragged ourselves along in the sweltering kerangas (a unique ecosystem on limestone soil)...

..but our efforts were rewarded with a stunning beach to ourselves...

...alongside a rocky forested inlet.

As suggested by the name of this update, Borneo has proved to be rather monkeytastic.
The mischievous macaques around the park tried to steal Rich's hat when he wasn't looking.

But some primates where a little more shy, such as this silver leaf monkey (langur) skulking away through the mangrove pneumatophores...

...and the rare proboscis monkeys, which watched us from the tops of the trees.

Although we were thankful that some of the animals kept their distance, like this pit-viper.

Further south in the region we had an excellent orang-u-tan viewing, with the apes swinging through the trees to catch fruit...

...pausing only to throw the occasional coconut at passers-by.

That's it for our first update back on the road, but we hope to thrill you with more photos soon from Brunei and Peninsular Malaysia.
Team Tiger.